Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dragon Hang Time

The local market had these beautiful Thai Dragon peppers that I just had to paint.  Although some do look like dragons, I believe it is their "fire breathing" effects that give them their name.


  1. Very cool! Love the composition.

    Thai food (peppers) is far hotter than any other ethnic food I've ever eaten; you couldn't pay me to actually eat that little thing!

  2. Great one! I have always enjoyed painting chilies, they make great subjects.

  3. Love this pepper! Your blog is great. Keep up the good work.

  4. Thanks Pam, Sonya, Jala and Suzanne.

    Pam: That red is definitely a warning sign.

    Sonya: I think the Absolute Bakery had these in my special at lunch. I am still trying to recover.

    Jala: I love the reds with the greens, and these have such interesting shapes as well.

    Suzanne: Glad you came to visit. Love your site as well. Great portraits.
